Nusii Social Media Template
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Social Media proposal template

Use this proposal template as the basis of all your social media management presentations.

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A social media proposal template that hooks clients

If you want to increase your roster of social media clients, the first step is an awesome proposal. And that’s where we can help!

If you work with Social Media you know the differences between vanity metrics and adding real value to a client brand. It’s easy to promise more followers, more engagement and fresh influencer partnerships, but how do you convince a client you are the right person for the job?

An online proposal that stands out from the pack is a great way to start.

Your Social Media skills should be showcased and you need to communicate how you will measure results. Making a modular template is a great way to give the client agency in picking the right solutions (and pricing!) that work for them.

Of course you can use our sample templates ‘as is’, but for the best results we recommend you tailor them to your client. And here at #{ link_to('Nusii', '/') } we’ve made it really easy for you. You can create and add new custom content with a single click. Upload videos, add screenshots of social campaigns or case studies. It’s entirely up to you. So show your next client you mean business with our online proposal templates.

How to create a Social Media Proposal from a template

Social media just keeps expanding into new platforms, new formats and at seemingly ever faster consumption rates. A lot of companies genuinely struggle with keeping up with the industry and producing enough content of the right type to keep their socials active. That’s often why they request a social media proposal.

We’re pretty sure you know a thing or two about social media and that’s why you need to send social media proposals. You can go ahead and grab our template above but if you’d like to know how to personalise it to your client to improve your chances of getting your proposal accepted, please read the section below.

We’re going to go through the 7 parts of a successful proposal and we’re going to do it specifically from the point of view of someone wanting to send a social media proposal based on a template. So, let’s get to it!

1. Cover & title

This part is pretty straight forward and we encourage you to keep it that way. Yes, you might be creative. Yes, you might be a copywriting genius but the title should be descriptive and to the point. There’s no need to innovate here.

As for the cover image you should pick it carefully so it reflects well on your services but also fits the type of proposal you are making. Social media for an institution is not the same as for a celebrity, for example. Make sure the vibes fit.

Other than that just be sure to double check basics such as contrasts and legibility.

2. Problem & goals

So we have a pretty cover and a concise title. Let’s get started with editing the template some more.

Before we get into the main part of our proposal we want to consider the problems we are attempting to help our client solve. Why is it we’re sending a proposal at all? You’ve probably spoken to the client by now and have a clear idea of what they’re struggling with and what they need. That’s the information we need to transform into a problem statement.

How do we do it? We just list the needs in 2 or 3 sentences. The point of this section is to show the client that we were listening hard when we spoke to them and understand what they need. If they are a vegan soap brand and they tell you that they are having a hard time generating UGC and handling influencers then explore this further to discover what the underlying problem is.

It might be that they are not technically able to track UGC and brand mentions which point to an expertise issue within the company. On the other hand it might be that the volume of influencers is extremely high and they don’t have the time to follow up. This could be a resource issue. Whatever you uncover, that’s exactly what will be written in your problem statement.

You’ll then write your goals in a way that matches back to the problems the client reported. For example, let’s say our fictional soap brand above lacks resources to follow up with influencers, the goal of our proposal might be to provide a structure and process to influencer management and implement best practice with regards to communication.

Remember, to keep the problems and goals short and easy to understand.

3. Proposed solution

So here we are, we’ve reached the core part of the proposal and this is where you will shine! You will detail your solution in a way that will persuade the client you are not only the most competent but the one who best understands them. The focus in this section should be personalization and value. Let’s discuss what that means.

There’s a huge difference between copy paste proposals and personalized ones. Your goal here is to make the client feel that you created this proposal just for them. Wherever possible you should refer back to their particular brand, situation and needs.

When we refer to value we mean that you should frame your social media proposal in terms of the value it will bring to their brand. Sure, you can mention some of the tactics you will implement to increase engagement, post frequency, collabs and more but don’t forget that it is very easy for other agencies to list extremely similar tasks. The last thing you want is to be in a race to the bottom on price.

To avoid that, focus on your expertise, your understanding of their brand and the value that you bring to the table. Make them want to work with you independently of the specific actions you will take. You can build trust by including testimonials or better still a small case study from a previous client. Pick one that is closely related.

4. Scope

Once your proposed solution has been written, you should take a few mins to define a scope. What happens with social media is it means different things to different people and even if you only intended to propose content production, the client may have interpreted you will also handle dms. Uh-oh.

It’s worth writing a couple of lines to be clear on what platforms are included and where the limits of your work are defined.

5. Benefits

Just before we move on to the pricing section, we recommend you details the benefits of your solutions. This will put the client in a positive frame of mind and if you got the needs right in the earlier part of the template, then you will crush the benefits section!

Highlight why accepting this solution will be great for the client. Remember the issues they currently have and describe the benefits of working with you as opposed to continuing to struggle the way they are now.

At this point the client should be convinced of your social media prowess, agency professionalism and ability to execute.

6. Pricing

So, how much is it?

The temptation here is to drop your prices to within range of the client budget. Except we often don’t know for sure what the client budget really is or whether it can stretch a bit further. Also, it is well worth remembering that the cheapest proposal rarely wins. Instead be confident in your value and price your services as a package. Here’s what we mean.

Bundle your entire service with a generous but fair price as a full package. Then create a “lite” version with some services stripped out. This gives the client the option to go for something more affordable if your full package is out of their budget. We’d recommend having 2 or 3 options. More than that could be counter-productive in that it adds complexity and makes the choice harder to make.

7. Timeline and cta

Once you have prepared your optional pricing, you can finish the template with an indication of timings. A good tip is to use the proposal acceptance date as the Day 0 of your timeline. What this does is encourage the client to accept in order not to delay the deliverables.

If you’re using Nusii (which we really think you’ll love!!) you can also capture that signature right there and then in the browser. It’s a great way to avoid any friction or barriers and get your proposal accepted right away.

Why online proposals?

What can Nusii give you that more traditional methods cannot?

Proposal Notifications

Not only will Nusii keep you in the loop about everything that happens with your proposals, but we’ll also help you see just how often your client is interacting with your proposal, whether they’ve downloaded a PDF copy and of course whether they’ve accepted!
Knowledge is power.

Digital e-signing

The easier you make it for your client to get on-board, the better your chances of closing a deal. Digital e-signing or online signatures is a great way to reduce friction. Gone are the days of scanners and email attachments. Let your client accept their proposal right from the browser.

PDF Export

Having an offline record of your proposals can be very useful, especially when accounting season comes around. Which is why at Nusii you can export PDF copies of all your proposals.

Free Support

Our customer support is done by us, no outsourcing...and we’re pretty quick on the draw. Being a small team means if we want to succeed, you need to succeed first.

Unlimited Proposal Templates

Really! If you work with 500 different client types and you need a proposal template for each of them, no problem. Create templates with the click of a button and save yourself countless hours of writing and proposal preparation.

Know where your biggest profits lie

Business is about maximizing profit. Knowing who your most profitable clients are can help you to find more, just like them. Nusii lets you drill down into your Revenue on a per-client basis, showing you exactly who your best customers are.

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