Nusii Web Design Template
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Web Design proposal template

Use this template as a great starting point to create all your web design proposals.

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A web design proposal template that wins new clients

Whether you’re a freelancer looking for more design gigs or a creative agency pitching for web design projects, you need a solid proposal template... And we’ve got you covered!

If you work in Web Design then you know where your value lies... In the results you produce. It’s easy to promise better UX, improved brand image and faster loading times, but how do you convey this value before they sign on the dotted line?

With a compelling proposal that says “I understand”.

Your Web Design proposal needs to sell value from the very beginning. It should show your potential client that you’re experienced in web design and know how to execute on your proposal.

Of course you can use our templates ‘as is’, but we always recommend you tailor them to your client. The more personalised it feels to them the better your chance of beating off the competition. Hard to personalise at scale? Well, actually this couldn’t be easier with Nusii. With our software you can create and add new custom content at the click of a button. Upload videos, add images, tables and let your creativity shine. We also make it easy to track, e-sign and export proposals. So get ready to impress your client to be and send your next proposal online with our free proposal templates.

How to create a Web Design Proposal from a template

Web design finds a balance between functionality and aesthetic creativity. Depending on the services you offer you may lean heavily into SEO or UX and might be specialised in a certain vertical such as E-commerce, Blogs, Institutional Sites or apps. Your web design proposal will seek to highlight your expertise and at the same time sell the value you will bring to the specific project you are bidding on. Even when starting with a template, finding the right way to sell yourself is critical to your success. Let’s walk you through the basics in 7 steps:

1. Cover & title

You are selling web design so imagery is everything. While you might find it harder to find the right words for your title, don’t focus on this too much. A descriptive, matter of fact title is fine. Something like; Web Design Proposal. The background image on the other hand is worth making an effort on.

First impressions are everything and while you are likely to have your favourite background images, take a moment to consider whether they fit this specific project. Does the image resonate with what the client is looking for? Does it hint at your ability to execute according to their needs? For example, if they have mentioned to you that they are looking for a sombre, authoritative look, then maybe your favorite candy-colored masterpiece is not the right one on this occasion.

Choose an image that both represents your web design services and reflects the project in hand. What you are aiming to achieve is for the client to feel instantly at home and comfortable with your services even before they’ve read the proposal.

2. Problem & goals

Your client is redesigning their app or website for a reason. Maybe they are a new company with no current website. Maybe they haven’t refreshed for a long time or perhaps they are disappointed with the results their current website generates. Whatever the reason is you should have captured it in your initial client interview. Now, is the time to show you were listening.

You should clearly and concisely play back their stated problem back to them. This will show that you understand the situation perfectly. Once you have stated the problem (2-3 lines is more than enough), you can state the goals. These two should match up so let’s look at a practical example.

Problem: “Website is dated and runs slow”
Goal: “Create a clean & modern-looking website designed with performance in mind”

Notice how the goal is the answer to the problem.

3. Proposed solution

Here is the meat and bones of your web design proposals. Thai is where you convince your client that you are the right person or agency for the job. What that doesn’t mean is that you should get all braggy about your past works or skill set. Assume that, if you got a chance to pitch your service, the client already knows you are capable. Instead, focus on creating a web design proposal that matches what they are hoping to see.

You want to show them that you will take the right approach and that your creative process will lead you to the right typography, color set & layout. You don’t need to define it at this stage, it can be a paid for deliverable which requires sign off to continue with the design project.

Also avoid itemising the proposal into sub tasks such as header, footer, navigation, logo etc. You’ll find you end up underpricing yourself or cutting out the value that your experience and know-how deserves. Communicate your process and build trust by being authoritative in the way you address the topic. In general be very clear about what you are offering - if it’s responsive design, then say it!

4. Scope

A small section to mark down limits is always a good thing. For example, if your services are limited to front-end design be clear that any backend development will need to be done separately. You might need to explain that the backend could be responsible for some of the issues you are attempting to solve - such as website speed. Managing client expectations starts early!

5. Benefits

People forget to include this section in their proposals. And that’s great news for you because it’s an easy way to stand out. Here you will outline the benefits of adopting your solution.

Don’t be shy to venture out of web design if the benefits are broad. For example it might be that implementing your proposal will lead to better conversion rates, lower bounce rates on mobile, faster page loads. Don’t be shy to include less tangible benefits such as improved brand image. You might even want to include a couple of examples from past clients who saw uplifts after working with you. Nothing like a real-life case study to get a client excited!

6. Pricing

And now that they are excited, it’s time to reveal your pricing. You know your worth better than we do so we wouldn’t want to tell you what to charge for your web design services.

However we are firm believers in optional pricing. Try to create 3 different options with increasing prices. It might be that all 3 are SEO optimised but the higher tiers allow for more pages to be included or more complex design. This means the client can pick an option according to their budget but also clearly see the benefit of going for your “full” package.

7. Timeline and cta

Finally, you want to include a short timeline which helps to add some urgency to your proposal. For example you can promise to deliver within X weeks of sign off. If you’re using Nusii you can have that sign-off built right into the proposal with our e-signature feature.

Why online proposals?

What can Nusii give you that more traditional methods cannot?

Proposal Notifications

Not only will Nusii keep you in the loop about everything that happens with your proposals, but we’ll also help you see just how often your client is interacting with your proposal, whether they’ve downloaded a PDF copy and of course whether they’ve accepted!
Knowledge is power.

Digital e-signing

The easier you make it for your client to get on-board, the better your chances of closing a deal. Digital e-signing or online signatures is a great way to reduce friction. Gone are the days of scanners and email attachments. Let your client accept their proposal right from the browser.

PDF Export

Having an offline record of your proposals can be very useful, especially when accounting season comes around. Which is why at Nusii you can export PDF copies of all your proposals.

Free Support

Our customer support is done by us, no outsourcing...and we’re pretty quick on the draw. Being a small team means if we want to succeed, you need to succeed first.

Unlimited Proposal Templates

Really! If you work with 500 different client types and you need a proposal template for each of them, no problem. Create templates with the click of a button and save yourself countless hours of writing and proposal preparation.

Know where your biggest profits lie

Business is about maximizing profit. Knowing who your most profitable clients are can help you to find more, just like them. Nusii lets you drill down into your Revenue on a per-client basis, showing you exactly who your best customers are.

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