Less Annoying CRM Integration
With the Less Annoying CRM integration you can import all your Less Annoying CRM contacts right into Nusii. You can connect Less Annoying CRM contacts to proposals and Nusii automatically adds Notes with Proposal Details into the contact when something happens to the proposal. It automatically creates pipeline statuses when the proposal gets sent/accepted/rejected.
So let's get your Nusii account ready to work seamlessly together with Less Annoying CRM!
First of all head to the Integration's page inside Nusii and click on the Less Annoying CMS logo.
Once you do this you'll be asked to connect your Less Annoying CRM account. Go ahead and fill in your API key and User code. Both can be found at Less Annoying CRM Programmer API Settings page. click on the 'Connect Less Annoying CRM' button. You'll see the following screen.
Once Less Accounting CRM is connected, you'll be able to add some configuration options and import all your contacts.
Click on Import Clients if you want to import existing contacts from Less Annoying CRM. Select the clients you want to import and click the button “Import Contacts”.
Select a Pipeline and fill in which statuses you want your contacts to be in after creating/sending/accepting/rejecting the proposal.
Connect a Less Annoying CRM contact with a proposal.
First of all head to the proposal page and click on "Create Proposal" to create a new proposal.
Fill in the basic proposal details and in the section Integrations select the Less Annoying CRM contact.
Now the proposal will get synced automatically with Less Annoying CRM. All the status changes will be added to Less Annoying CRM as pipeline status items.