Slack Integration

Stay up to date on the latest activities on Nusii Proposals via instant Slack channel messages. We send messages to your chosen slack channel when a proposal is Viewed, Accepted, Rejected, Sent, etc.

Slack Integration

How to integrate with Slack

To complete this integration you will need to have an active Slack account. You can sign up for a free account here.

To integrate with Slack you have to visit Settings / Integrations / Slack and click on the button Connect to Slack.

Slack Integration

After you clicked that, you will get redirected to Slack. You will have to log in if you haven't already. Select the channel you want updates being posted and click Allow to authorize the integration.

Slack Authorize

You will get redirected back to Nusii and the integration is good to go! We will now send Accepted, Rejected, Sent or Proposal Views to that channel.